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Scottish Government considers ban on snares
The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.
The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.
The UK’s largest shooting organisation has expressed ‘significant concern’ for wildlife and livestock, as the Scottish Government suggested a forthcoming review of snaring would be extended to consider a statutory ban. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) – which represents over 11,000 members in Scotland – said a Read more…
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation in Northern Ireland (BASC NI) has called for the Ministerial Directive that limits the number of firearms that a registered firearms dealer may hold, to be scrapped. BASC NI’s recommendation, outlined in a survey response to the Department of Justice (DoJ), is that Read more…