BASC is calling on all who shoot to exercise special restraint in their shooting.
BASC makes this call because today, Thursday 8 January 2009, is the ninth day of freezing conditions in England and Wales. Under the agreed procedures for managing the shooting of ducks, geese, woodcock and snipe especially during prolonged severe weather this is the point at which such a cautionary warning is to be put out.
If the conditions were to continue they could lead to a statutory suspension of such shooting early next week. This seems unlikely at present as a thaw is moving south through Britain during this weekend.
Guidance on how to exercise such restraint is available on BASC’s website: Up-to-date information is also available from each regional centre and from head office on 01244 573000.
BASC’s director of research, Dr John Harradine, said: “While this freezing weather persists. BASC considers it appropriate to call on all who shoot to exercise voluntary restraint in their shooting, where local conditions require it. BASC is also asking clubs and syndicates to keep their regional centre informed over any actions they take together with reports of unusual bird movements or birds in poor condition.”