BASC medical panels
The new statutory guidance published by the government on 20 October made medical verification for all certificate applicants mandatory.
BASC is the only UK shooting organisation with a dedicated firearms team which can deal with all aspects of firearms ownership whether it be legislative, technical or practical. That’s why you should join BASC today.
Department telephone: 01244 573010
Department fax: 01244 573 013 or email
For explosives legal advice: email
Please quote your membership number when you email or speak to a member of the team.
The new statutory guidance published by the government on 20 October made medical verification for all certificate applicants mandatory.
BASC has provided answers to the questions that may arise as a result of the publication of new statutory guidance for firearms licensing.
BASC flow chart – firearm or shotgun certificate renewals.
Gareth Dockerty discusses the legal support available to BASC members to contest firearms cases.
If you have been issued with a backdated firearms or shotgun certificate following a delay in your renewal, we’d like to hear from you.
The Firearms Act 2023, which was passed to become law in September 2023, aims to combat the illegal manufacture of Section 1 ammunition.
Those who own firearms and use them for work or leisure activity are being reminded to take steps to prevent themselves becoming vulnerable to criminals.