The Green Shoots Mapping and bag recording website has been created by BASC to provide both an excellent online mapping, wildlife recording and shooting diary and a simple way to enable members to assist us to protect and promote shooting and conservation.
Using Green Shoots Mapping helps provide evidence to show government, the media and the public that shooting makes a huge contribution to conservation and a healthy environment because we use that information to:
As a user of Green Shoot Mapping you can:
We have developed the website to maximise compatibility with a wide range of IT equipment. If you have any issues or questions about Green Shoots Mapping contact us.
In addition, clubs and syndicates affiliated to BASC can contact us to get access to a section of the website where they can map the club’s land on behalf of the others and set up bag returns for their members to complete. We have received funding from the Crown Estate to build part of these section for clubs that lease land from them and you can learn more about that on the wildfowling pages here.
Green Shoots Mapping is hosted on a secure website that you access by logging in with your BASC membership number and password. Only you and BASC can see the information you enter.
From the custom map area of the website you can download maps as PDF files for emailing or printing to share with others. The custom map area shows the boundaries of land that you have added and then allows you to customise them by adding labelling pins, lines and shapes to indicate features useful to you. You can make as many maps as you like.
No, it is for any land to which members have access for any type of shooting. Every piece of land entered and wildlife species recorded creates more information that BASC can use to protect and promote the sport.
Sharing information on wildlife is a powerful mechanism to protect and promote shooting sports. Wildlife data is the lifeblood of conservation; anyone able to provide information on which species are thriving and which are in decline is valued by conservation partners and governments. Shooters have access to two-thirds of the rural land area of the UK, much of it effectively inaccessible to wildlife agencies, and the knowledge they can provide is of exceptionally high value.
Full details are given in the terms and conditions of the website but to make wildlife records useful we need to share what species are found, when they have been seen and the location (to the nearest one-kilometre square on our grid). We will not share any personal details about you or any land boundaries.
There is a UK Species list and a local species list. The UK list is primarily quarry species; knowing the status of quarry species is essential. The other species on the UK list are among the Government’s farmland bird indicator species which are used for gauging the health of the countryside. The local lists are different for each BASC country or region and each has been drawn up in consultation with conservation bodies. Getting information on these species will underline the value of shooting at the country or regional scale.
Your first port of call is the BASC regional or country team that covers your area. You can also contact the conservation team at head office on 01244 573024. We are only too happy to help and listen to new ideas for what the website could do.