About Pest Control

Legislation affecting pest and predator control in the UK may differ for the same species depending on whether it occurs in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. BASC produces codes of practice to set the standards for sporting shooting and related wildlife management activities.

General licences for pest and predator control

General licences are issued by government agencies to provide a legal basis for people to carry out a range of activities relating to wildlife.

The general licences relevant to pest birds are issued on the basis of one or more purposes (prevent damage to crops, conservation of wild birds, preserve public health etc). They include a list of bird species for which that purpose is a valid reason for pest and predator control to be taken.

The latest update on General Licences


A dark art

The fox is one of the most successful and fascinating UK mammals. We look at the kit, skills and techniques used in fox control at night.



For specific advice on game shooting matters please contact us on: 01244 573019  email

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