Are you brave enough to take the creepy crawlies quiz? Can you identify all the bugs? Start quiz 1. Ant Damselfly Bumblebee 2. Bumblebee Grasshopper Hoverfly 3. Mosquito Spider Daddy long legs 4. Stag beetle Damselfly Grasshopper 5. Green bottle fly Ladybird Wasp 6. Peacock butterfly Hummingbird hawk moth Lacewing 7. Lacewing Dragonfly Earthworm 8. Stag beetle Honey bee Ladybird 9. Green bottle fly Mayfly Wasp 10. Grasshopper Ants Daddy long legs Creepy crawlies quiz - Part 1 You got {{userScore}} out of {{maxScore}} correct {{title}} {{image}} {{content}} Share your result via Facebook X (Twitter) Categories: Quizzes