Wild Venison

Deer management

Cooking venison

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Reduced demand during 2019 and the devastating impact of Coronavirus on the restaurant industry has left the wild venison market teetering at its lowest ever level.

An innovative working group, including BASC and chaired by The Forestry Commission, has created a campaign dedicated to strengthening existing markets and opening new channels to boost supply and create security.

Working at all levels of the supply chain, the working group will coordinate and undertake a break-through campaign to get the venison market back on track.


It is estimated that there are over two million wild deer in the UK. Unmanaged, the population will continue to rise causing detrimental effects on the UK’s landscape.

The current deer population in many areas is drastically impacting ancient woodland and the associated flora and fauna. Localised arable crop damage is occurring and increasing numbers of deer (up to 74,000) are being killed on the roads annually.

Deer Stalking – Infographic

The BASC deer stalking infographic gives you the facts about the culling of the six species of wild deer in the UK and the benefits that deer management brings.



The wild venison working group is creating a dedicated media strategy to boost venison’s image within the key markets.

Through working with a variety of stakeholders, and brand ambassadors Grown in Britain, the working group will enhance demand, create new markets, and strengthen the supply chain for years to come.

Wild venison recipes

BASC’s Taste of Game has a wide selection of mouth-watering wild venison recipes. From cheesy nacho bakes to aromatic pulled Chinese-style pancakes, there is loads to choose from. Click here to find out more.


Taste of Game
Venison leaflet

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Venison, from field to fork

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