All outdoor recreational shooting activities are permitted.
Essential retail is permitted to open and this may include some firearms dealers, depending on their specific circumstances.
All indoor sports facilities such as shooting ranges etc. must remain closed.
Outdoor sports facilities can open but only to permit their use for those allowed in the regulations such as essential toilet facilities. Club houses etc. must stay closed.
Up to 10 people (including children) from a maximum of two households can take part in outdoor exercise or sports activities.
Up to 15 people (including coaches) can take part in structured outdoor sports training, through clubs or individuals affiliated to recognised sport’s governing bodies or representative organisations for sport.
Some of the restrictions are law through regulation, while others are guidance. Everyone is legally required to comply with the regulations.
An indicative date of 24 May has been set to relax a number of Covid-19 restrictions including overnight stays and numbers attending both indoor and outdoor gatherings.
The current regulations will be reviewed on 10 June 2021.