BASC’s head of firearms Martin Parker offers advice to members following the publication of the Home Office’s non-statutory Guide on Firearms Licensing Law:
“At the same time as the Home Office Statutory Guidance to police on firearms licensing became law last week, the Home Office also published its Guide on Firearms Licensing Law.
“This document is non-statutory, and whilst it removes elements of the original 2016 document which now appear in the Statutory Guidance, it does not reflect the changes that have been made in firearms legislation since 2016.
“This means that the guidance is incorrect in respect of key things; for example, the law on expanding ammunition, the law relating to antiques and the availability of a European Firearms Pass to UK nationals.
Any member referring to the new document would be advised to check the list of legislative documents that are also available on the Home Office website.”
The legislative documents can be accessed here.
If you have any enquiries relating to any of these documents, please contact our Firearms team.