BASC has expelled for life two members convicted of wildlife and firearms offences. The expulsions follow a long-established disciplinary procedure.
Expulsion from BASC involves the loss of shooting insurance, on which the ability to shoot may depend, and other benefits of membership. Those involved are:
A member from Cheshire, who pleaded guilty to unlawfully using a trap, in which a sparrowhawk starved to death, on or before 10/2/21 contrary to Sec 5(1)(b) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. He was fined £800, plus £85 costs and £80 victim surcharge.
A member from Suffolk, who pleaded guilty to six charges in relation to pesticide and firearms offences. The offences came to light after the discovery of a dead buzzard which had been poisoned after eating a pigeon carcass laced with the insecticide Bendiocarb.
The offences he pleaded guilty to were revealed following a search of his home. The member was given a community order of 80 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay £105 in costs with a £95 victim surcharge.