The Scottish government’s consultation on its proposals to licence grouse shooting and aspects of moorland management closes on 14 December 2022.
BASC is urging members who are involved in grouse moor management, or visit Scotland to go grouse shooting, to respond to the consultation.
The proposals put forward in the Wildlife Management (Grouse) Bill include grouse moor licensing, muirburn licensing and further regulation of traps.
BASC has made it clear that it is opposed to the licensing of grouse shooting in Scotland; there is already sufficient legislation and best practice in place to address concerns about vegetation burning and raptor persecution.
The introduction of licensing is an unnecessary burden that could cause a multitude of unintended consequences.
BASC, alongside our partner organisations, has been clear that the introduction of any new legislation, regulation or bureaucracy must not hamper Scotland’s existing world-class rural business sector, given its significant role in rural employment, conservation and moorland management.
BASC’s consultation response has focused on the supplementary evidence which shows the proposals are impractical and unworkable, with significant issues that the Scottish government must acknowledge if they are to move forward.
As the Bill progresses, BASC will be putting forward evidence-based arguments to the Scottish government, Ministers and MSPs to ensure the correct route is taken.