The clock is ticking for our reds

Red squirrels are native to the UK and remain a conservation priority as their numbers continue to decline. Their threats remain unchanged – a reduction of favourable habitat and conflicts with the grey squirrel are the two main reasons we don’t see Tufty as often as we used to. As shooters, we are ideally placed to help save red squirrels.

Ian Danby

Ian Danby

Ian Danby is BASC's head of biodiversity and collaborates with the Non-native Species Secretariat to help minimise the threats to UK wildlife from invasive non-native species.

Downward slope for reds

According to the Mammal Society’s 2020 Red List of British Mammals, they are considered endangered in Great Britain. Thankfully, they still have a few remaining strongholds. Scotland holds 75% of the GB population, which now may be under 250,000 animals. The Isle of Wight and parts of Wales and Northern England are other areas where we still have some reds.

The big cousin with a ferocious appetite

Greys are our red squirrel’s American cousins. They were brought to our shores by collectors in the late 19th century and subsequently escaped into the wild. They carry the squirrel pox virus to which they are immune. Unfortunately, red squirrels aren’t that lucky, and the virus can wipe out entire populations of reds in just a handful of years.

Another issue is competition for food. Grey squirrels are about twice as big as reds and require more food. They also tolerate higher tannin levels found in unripened acorns, which means they can eat them before the reds. Studies have shown that even without squirrel pox, greys can outcompete reds within 20 years from arrival in a red squirrel area, just because of food competition and a much higher breeding rate.

Control of grey squirrels is crucial for saving red squirrels. To date, there is no evidence that they can co-exist sustainably. Many volunteer groups protect red squirrels across their range, often supported by dedicated projects. People who shoot are regularly the core of the mission to limit the spread of grey squirrels. Methods of control need to be restricted where red squirrels are found, too. Kill traps must be swapped for live capture traps so any captured reds can be released unharmed.

Saving red squirrels

BASC has worked with many red squirrel project groups over the years. We can provide training courses on controlling grey squirrels using kill traps, live traps and shooting to bait stations.  

We are signatories to the UK Squirrel Accord, a national partnership of over 45 governmental and non-governmental organisations united to preserve the UK woodlands and associated biodiversity.  

The Accord is leading the development of a grey squirrel immuno-contraceptive that will enable control where lethal control is not an option (i.e. inner-city parks) and suppress the recovery of grey squirrel numbers after lethal control reduces their numbers initially. 

How you can help

We can also be proud of our members’ efforts to keep the numbers of grey squirrels in check. Our Stanely Duncan’s conservation award was given to a member in Wales who assisted in a critical part of the research into how to estimate grey squirrel numbers in the country. This research allows us to understand how we could effectively deliver the contraceptive to these furry invaders.

Red squirrel's unlikely ally

The Accord also supports other ways of controlling grey squirrels. 

This includes the reintroduction of pine martens, whose recovery can be correlated with a reduction in grey squirrel numbers. 

We don’t know the exact reasons why pine marten appears to suppress grey squirrel numbers, but more research may reveal this in time. 

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