Eoghan Cameron, BASC Chairman

While the role of Council member is a significant undertaking in terms of responsibility, you can be assured that it is challenging and rewarding in equal measure.

Council is the board and strategic decision-making fulcrum of BASC. It is charged with setting strategy and policy, while operational execution is delegated to the chief executive. Ultimate responsibility for the direction and sound running of the association resides with Council.

At a time when shooting and the inextricable conservation benefits face threats on multiple fronts, Council is a hot, fast-paced kitchen for cool, strategic heads.

As the UK’s most broad-shouldered shooting and conservation organisation, BASC leads from the front on a sector-wide basis. We do, however, recognise the great value of strategic alliances. No single voice, however loud, has the same potency as multiple voices with shared strategic goals. Thus, Council members have a unique opportunity to shape not only the direction of BASC, but that of the entire sector.

BASC is committed to safeguarding the continuation of shooting for generations to come. This is a formidable task towards which Council members have the privilege to make a lasting contribution. We do not take this lightly, but it is certainly one of the most rewarding aspects of the role.

Elections are held each year for one or more seats on Council and seats are also reserved for representatives of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Council meets ten times a year and elected members serve a five-year term and may be elected for an extra term. There is also scope to co-opt Council members.

Each elected Council member is a de facto non-executive director (NED) of BASC. The NED skills and experience to be gained by serving a term on Council are of considerable value in business and in the eyes of many employers. In this regard, BASC Council’s requirement for skilled, high-calibre individuals is no different to that of any other top-tier organisation and vice-versa.

Eoghan Cameron,
BASC Chairman

BASC Annual review 2022

Officers and Council

Officers of the Association

Council members

Elected members

Ex-officio members

Minute secretary

BASC Committees

Executive and Finance Committee

Oliver McCullough (BASC Council member)

Ann Mortimer (BASC Council member)
Chris Barker (BASC Council member)
Richard Garner Williams (BASC Council member)
Robin Marshall-Ball (BASC Council member)

Ex-Officio members
Ian Bell (Chief Executive)
Angela Davies (Executive Director of Business Management)
Eoghan Cameron (BASC Chairman)
Claire Sadler (BASC Vice Chair)

Minute secretary
Sandra Forkin

England Committee


Robin Marshall-Ball (BASC Council member)

Vice Chair

Gareth Dockerty (Deputy Director Shooting and Operations)


Sean Adamson (South West England)

Robert Lock (South East England)

Rob Minty (East)

Charlie Parkes (Central England)

Martin Price (Central England)

Chris Salisbury (Southwest)

Carl Woodall (Central)

Northern Ireland Committee


Oliver McCullough (BASC Council member)

Vice Chair

Tommy Mayne (Director, Northern Ireland)


Rosemary Fleming

John Hetherington

Biff Keenan

Lionel Knobbs

Davy McBride

Alan Morrow

Theo Nugent

Ian Stewart

Scotland Committee


Eoghan Cameron (BASC Council member)

Vice Chair

Peter Clark (Director, Scotland) 


Graeme Dalby

Mike Hardy

Mike Holliday

Luise Janniche

Scott Mackenzie

Alan Marshall

Calvert McKibbin

Mark McKinney

David Stewart

Alisdair Troup

Wales Committee


Richard Garner Williams (BASC Council member)

Vice Chair

Steve Griffiths (Director, Wales)


Elena Allen

Angela Charlton

Robert Croft MBE

Dr Mat Holloway

Gethin Jones

Martyn Jones

Harry Legge Bourke

Mike Sherman

Deer Management Committee


Dr Al Gabriel (BASC Council member)

Vice Chair

Martin Edwards (Head of Deer Management),


Richard Garner Williams (BASC Council member)

John Hetherington

Sam Thompson

John Thornley OBE

Carl Woodall

Wildfowling Liaison Committee


Chris Barker (BASC Council member)

Vice Chair

James Green (Head of Wildfowl and Wetlands)


Ryan Adamson

Terry Behan (BASC staff member – communication and member liaison)

Peter Catling

George Downing

Graham Downing

Matt Dutton (BASC staff member – inland duck shooting and fed flight ponds)

Ian Coghill (Co-opted BASC Council member)

Glynn Cook

John Harlow (BASC Council member)

Dr Mat Holloway

JP Humberstone

Craig Jenkinson

Brian Johnson

Allan MacDonald

Robin Marshall-Ball (BASC Council member)

Allen Musselwhite

Terry Neill

Peter Nichols

Richard Playle

Mike Sherman

William Wykes

Honours and Awards committee

Robin Marshall-Ball

David Gervers

Claire Sadler
Ian Bell
Christopher Graffius
Chelsea Bubb
Ian Grindy

Report of the executive and finance committee and financial statements

Please download the reports from the year ending December 2022 below.

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