A campaign to support British game rearers has been launched by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). It aims to encourage all gamekeepers, shoot owners and shoot managers to source their eggs and young birds from local producers who use traditional methods and high welfare standards.

David Ilsley of BASC said: “BASC firmly supports local, traditional British game farmers. This campaign to buy local, buy British, buy traditional is to raise awareness that our local farmers know their market and breed their birds for our climate and our shooting requirements. BASC wants to see the highest standards maintained in game farming and the use of local, traditional breeders will help this. Shorter journeys also help with welfare and disease control."
BASC has produced thousands of car and window stickers as part of its promotional drive. They feature a duck, pheasant and partridge with the message: “Local, Traditional, Best. BASC supporting British game rearing.” Copies will be sent out with the forthcoming BASC Directory of Gamekeeping and to all BASC gamekeeper members. Stickers can be obtained free of charge by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to BASC Game Campaign, Marford Mill, Rossett, LL12 0HL. An ordinary first or second class stamp will cover postage.


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