BASC has launched a Scottish-specific survey on general licences to help feed into the decision-making process following the launch of Scottish Natural Heritage’s (SNH) consultation. If you use the general licences in Scotland it is essential that you complete the survey and have your voice heard.
The survey’s results will form the bedrock of evidence that BASC will submit to SNH to ensure any future licensing system remains fit for purpose and is future-proofed.
SNH’s head of wildlife management, Robbie Kernahan, said: “The consultation, along with our ongoing work, will provide us with valuable feedback – this will allow us to consider if we need to make changes to the current set of licences for 2020.”
Following BASC’s effective survey and resulting report on the use of general licences in England, and its recent survey in Wales, this survey will again focus on the importance of the licensing system in Scotland at an individual and national level. The survey will run until 28th August and only takes 10 minutes to complete.
BASC Scotland Director Dr Colin Shedden said: “This survey is of vital importance to anyone who uses the general licences in Scotland. By completing this survey your voice will be heard alongside the scientific evidence which will help inform SNH’s decision and create the bedrock of the next set of general licences in Scotland.”