In a new initiative, Gamekeepers in Tandridge have security marked their birds by colour-coding their feet and legs in a special paint which can be easily identified should they be stolen. The paint has been made specifically for livestock and is not harmful to the birds.

Potential thieves beware – if the birds are stolen they are clearly identifiable.  If you choose to ignore the risk there is every chance you will be seen, caught, captured and prosecuted.

Lizzie Robinson-Charlton, Rural Affairs Co-ordinator for Tandridge says ‘Under the banner of Country Watch, this is one of many things we are doing to tackle rural crime.  We work tirelessly with farmers and landowners to reduce the risk of them becoming victims of crime and help them feel safer living in Tandridge’.

Other measures include the use of forensic coded material called Selecta DNA which is applied to numerous items of farming equipment including batteries, fencing and items of plant making it clearly identifiable if stolen.

For further details of these initiatives and the Country Watch scheme contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team by calling 101

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