Young Shots, gundogs and pigeons

The South Warwickshire Wood Pigeon and Wildfowling Club entertained 38 Young Shots recently with gundog and pigeon decoying demonstrations. The students enjoyed the hands-on activities including making hides and placing decoys. Thanks to all and especially to Wedgnock Shooting Ground for their continued support.

Joshua, 13, wins shotgun

Thirteen-year-old Joshua Bridges’ name was pulled out of the hat in the free draw for a Cesar Guerini semi-auto shotgun at this year’s BASC Gamekeepers? Fair.

Joshua is not old enough to own a gun so it has been put on his father?s ticket until he can receive it as a gift at age 15. The free draw is a regular feature of the Gamekeepers’ Fair clay shoot so that everyone who enters stands a chance of winning a prize.

Introduction to sporting rifles

This one day course provides an opportunity for 12 young people (aged 13? 18) to learn more about sporting rifles at a military-approved range in Derbyshire on
14 July. You will receive instruction in the safe use and handling of sporting rifles;
deer management; field etiquette and range procedure as well as having the chance of firing .22 rifles with one-to-one expert tuition. Telephone bookings only
from Liz Lamb on 01335 324 507.

Game shooting for ladies

Our Ladies only training days are an ideal introduction for women wanting to get into game shooting. There are two venues to choose from and each day offers all you need to know to get ready for the 2012 season. Our driven pheasant days are geared towards those new to live quarry shooting so you will have a ?minder? with you all day.
See the diary dates for further details.

Campaigner Mourned

Tony Treadwell, who was campaigning to save the name of Birmingham Gun
Quarter, has passed away at the young age of 45. Tony recorded a number of audio
diaries about living with terminal cancer on Radio 5, where he also talked about his love of shooting and working with vintage shotguns.

A date for shoot development day

The next shoot development day in the Midland Region will take place on 4 August in south Derbyshire. These days, aimed at helping smaller shoots develop and become successful, have become very popular. Many shoots up and down the country rely on part-time keepers or are run on a DIY basis and often there is a need for basic gamekeeping experience so that costly mistakes can be avoided.

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