- Offbeat
A reason to celebrate, or a time to reflect on failed challenges?
It’s almost two years since the launch of Wild Justice, but what are the implications of their latest defeat in the High Court?
It’s almost two years since the launch of Wild Justice, but what are the implications of their latest defeat in the High Court?
BASC’s Garry Doolan writes about the recent startling admission by RSPB’s Martin Harper and Chris Packham that there are as few as 100 people’ responsible for raptor persecution.
BASC’s Garry Doolan responds to Megan McCubbin and Rod Liddle’s recent comments on grouse shooting.
Spotted a ‘Simply Glorious’ advert in your local newspaper today? Click here to read about BASC’s campaign here.
So Chris Packham wants a truce. He wants to be shooting’s friend and offer us a way to salvation; a way out of the troubles he insists are leading us down the path to our own destruction.
BASC’s Garry Doolan responds to a recent legal letter sent by Bradford City Council following a blog that highlighted mowing taking place during nesting season.
BASC’s Garry Doolan explains our recent involvement with Channel 4 and Countryfile following RSPB’s claims that raptor persecution by gamekeepers has risen during lockdown.
BASC’s Garry Doolan responds to the Daily Star’s sensationalist coverage of UK deer management.
Should celebrities use their position to promote social media messages? BASC’s Garry Doolan explains the hypocrisy of some recent statements.