Young Shots
Boxing Day fun
Sarah Taylor, 13, shot a pheasant at the Boxing Day shoot at her local syndicate in Buxton, Derbyshire. Sarah also shoots with the Shotgun and Chelsea Bun Club.
Sarah Taylor, 13, shot a pheasant at the Boxing Day shoot at her local syndicate in Buxton, Derbyshire. Sarah also shoots with the Shotgun and Chelsea Bun Club.
Robert Mackay pictured with his first pheasant, shot with an 1939 English .410 boxlock ejector, on a driven day at Hurstpierpoint, Sussex.
Natice Waterhouse ran her dog, Warriors Choice (Jack), in the Kent Novice Cocker Trial and achieved a certificate of merit and the Guns’ choice prize of a game bag sponsored by BASC. Jack was given to Natice last Christmas and she trained the dog herself. Later the pair achieved second Read more…
Jacob Swann, age 13, with a hen pheasant he shot in Northumberland in January. He was using a 28 bore Baikal over & under.
Nine-year-old Edward Thomas from Cutnall Green, Worcestershire, with his first ever pigeon, claimed with his first shot using his grandad’s 20 bore.
BASC dismisses latest report by the League Against Cruel Sports as emotive propaganda riddled with errors and unsubstantiated claims.
Pictured here is Sam Bullock, three-years-old, reading his dad’s BASC magazine. He seems to be enjoying the read!
After much practicing Kyle, aged 11, enjoyed his first go at live quarry shooting. Pictured here with his 20 bore, pinks and faithful companion, Dee.