Young Shots
Leah’s first shot
Pictured here is Leah Udale, seven, taking her first shot with a .410 with a little help from her dad.
Young Shots
Bright future ahead
Jordan Hendry, 16, has a real passion for shooting. He’s spent all his free time helping at his local shoot and attending Young Shots events. Jordan has also been accepted to Writtle College, Chelmsford, where he will be studying game and wildlife.
Young Shots
First pheasant brace
Jack Swales, 10, from North Yorkshire proudly displays his first left-and-right pheasant brace, shot on a guest day.
Young Shots
Shooting pigeons with Yogi
Pictured here is David Rudd, six, after his first time shooting pigeons over decoys with a .410 and springer Yogi. He was accompanied by his dad with whom he also goes deer stalking. David also enjoys beating with his mum near their home in Kent.
Young Shots
Great memories made at the CLA
Eight-year-old Amelia Lacy enjoyed the CLA Game Fair this summer. She had a go at shotgun shooting for the first time and even managed to break a clay!
- Latest news
Get on track with dogs for deer in Northern Ireland
To meet the increasing demand by deer stalkers for dog training courses, BASC Northern Ireland is holding a one-day course at Baronscourt Estate, County Tyrone on 28 November.