BASC is advising members of forthcoming changes to the legal authorisation of two second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARS).
The changes, which have been instigated voluntarily by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) UK, mean the legal authorisation for open area and waste dump use of bromadiolone and difenacoum is being withdrawn next year.
The sale of these two products for use in open areas and at waste dumps will cease on 4 July 2024. Such products bought on that date, or prior to it, will be authorised for use in open areas and waste dumps until 31 December 2024. Following that date, it will be illegal to use any SGAR product to treat a rodent infestation not associated with a building.
According to CRRU Chairman Dr Alan Buckle, the decision was made unanimously by CRRU directors to help meet rodenticides stewardship’s environmental targets, with the stubbornly static incidence of rodenticide residues in around 80 per cent of barn owls being a primary factor.
The change will create uniformity with no SGAR being authorised for use away from buildings.
The CRRU board determined that the availability of alternative options to dealing with rodent infestations meant the decision would not be detrimental either to human and animal health or the rural economy.
BASC is urging members who utilise rodenticides to remain up to date with the legislation, best practice and always comply with the label instructions.