Due to continued Covid-19 restrictions – and in line with many other organisations – BASC’s Council has decided that the Annual General Meeting on 11 July 2020 (10:30am) will be hosted online only.
Members wishing to attend are asked to register via BASC’s website at www.basc.org.uk/agm. You will need to provide your name, email address and BASC membership number. Members will need a computer, tablet, or smart phone to access the virtual AGM.
Once registered, you will be emailed an access link and further information. This will include details of items requiring a vote, instructions on how to vote and how to send questions and comments to the chairman and CEO prior to the AGM.
Registration closes 9am on Monday 6 July 2020.
AGM Provisional Agenda
- Welcome to AGM and opening of voting for
- Adoption of the financial statements
- Appointment of Auditors
- Resolution regarding BASC Committees
- Election of VP
- President opens the AGM and gives short address
- Chairman delivers Council report of Association
- Answering of questions submitted
- Council elections
- Obituaries
- Results
- AGM Closes