BASC gave the BBC the facts on airguns in a live radio interview this morning.

BASC’s senior firearms officer Mike Eveleigh was interviewed on BBC Radio Bristol. He told presenter John Darvall about the uses of airguns and existing legislation in England and Wales.

The presenter made reference to airguns in Scotland. A law came into force on 1st January in Scotland making it an offence to possess an airgun without a specific certificate or a temporary exemption granted to existing firearm and shotgun certificate holders.

Mike Eveleigh said: “I was glad BBC Bristol gave me the opportunity to give them and their audience the facts on airguns this morning. Early indications of the situation in Scotland are that airgun licensing has resulted in widespread non-compliance because people don’t know about it and it’s stretching already scarce police resources.”

The government today announced that the Home Office would review air weapons regulation in England and Wales.

Mr Eveleigh added: “We will be responding robustly to the review. We believe there are already more than sufficient laws in place. The solution is the enforcement of them.”



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