BASC is issuing a legal reminder to shoots releasing pheasants and red-legged partridges on or within 500 metres of a European Protected Site in England.
The introduction of a new general licence (GL43) earlier this year has made it a legal requirement to inform Natural England of the number of gamebirds released, and in what location.
Details of any relevant Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) consent under which the activity is operating is also required.
A failure to report the release of 50 or more birds within one month of doing so could leave shoots at risk of prosecution or having the use of the general licence withdrawn.
Registration must take place within one month of the release date.
Members requiring further advice on either reporting function can contact BASC for assistance.
Natural England is offering an online advice service to help shoot managers and gamekeepers decide whether they can operate under the conditions of the general licence or will require an individual licence for the release of gamebirds. The advice service is available here.
In order to keep improving the provision, Natural England is asking anyone who uses the advice service to provide feedback on their experience. You can do this by clicking the link here.