BASC has added to its portfolio of deer management opportunities for members with the opening of a new scheme in Lancashire.
The Bowland stalking scheme is open to members who hold their DSC1. Based on a large game shoot predominantly populated with sika and roe deer, it offers accompanied stalking with a guide. The ground is a mix of farmland and wooded areas, with some spectacular views across the River Ribble.
The scheme is open to all BASC members who hold the Deer Stalking Certificate Level 1 (DSC1). The scheme is designed to provide practical experience for DSC1 holders to progress on to DSC2.
The cost will be £100 per stalk, with an additional fee if successful.
BASC’s North regional director, Duncan Thomas said: “We are delighted to be teaming up with a local shoot to offer affordable deer stalking on the border of Lancashire and Yorkshire. The scheme is especially exciting as it mainly offers sika deer. The scheme is pitched at those sitting between DSC1 and DSC2, offering experience towards DSC2 assessment at the same venue.”
For more information and details of how to book, visit our stalking schemes page here.