Scottish snaring ban will spell disaster for threatened wildlife, says BASC
The Scottish government has announced a consultation on the use of snares in Scotland.
BASC Scotland Centre, Trochry, Dunkeld, Perthshire, PH8 0DY
Tel: 01350 723 226 or email
The BASC Scotland team has extensive knowledge and experience in all areas of shooting and conservation. We run a programme of training courses and activity days and provide advice and guidance in all relevant areas. We also represent your interests in the Scottish press and with politicians and the police and advise Scottish Government on policy issues affecting shooting. Team members also specialise in firearms-related issues in Scotland.
BASC Scotland is a long-established country office of BASC. Fully staffed in a recently extended building, we are well-placed to deal with the many important issues affecting sportsmen and women living in and visiting Scotland, ensuring their continued enjoyment of a wide variety of sporting opportunities.
The Scottish government has announced a consultation on the use of snares in Scotland.
BASC has called on Scottish Water to explain its decision to end grouse shooting on its land.
Respond to a Scottish consultation on the exclusion of target shooting ranges as a land use under permitted development rights.