BASC has noted the release of the Labour animal welfare policy document “Labour: Protecting Animals”. BASC has taken time to brief the Labour party on all aspects of shooting, before the publication of this document.

BASC believes that the statement within the document that Labour will “reduce animal cruelty on shooting estates” suggests that some within the party may have already formed conclusions about shooting before hearing the evidence that would be presented to the independent review that they promise. Pre-judging the evidence is not good practice.

Raptor persecution is a wildlife crime is condemned by all shooting organisations and BASC has played a major role co-operating with the police and other stakeholders to combat wildlife crime. Snaring carried out in accordance with the Defra code introduced by the last Labour government is a humane and necessary method of wildlife management. BASC advocates the highest standard in the rearing and release of gamebirds.

BASC chairman Alan Jarrett said: “Shooting has nothing to hide from an independent and well conducted review and BASC will be happy to present shooting’s case which is impressive and convincing. As an all party organisation BASC will hold governments of any political colour to account to ensure that all policy is based on sound evidence and the correct process.”

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