Scotland’s Rural Affairs and Islands Committee has issued a ‘call for views’ on the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill. BASC has raised significant concerns with the Bill, which was published on 22 March 2023. .
The Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill aims to alter legislation around how people can capture and kill certain wild birds (red grouse) and proposes changes around the making of muirburn (the controlled burning of heather and other plants for land management purposes).
The Bill has two distinct parts. Part one makes a number of provisions in relation wildlife management. This includes a ban on the use and purchase of glue traps, the establishment of a licensing system for the use of certain wildlife traps and creates a licensing system for land on which specific birds may be killed or taken.
Part two of the Bill regulates the making of muirburn by extending its licensing system. It now requires a muirburn licence at all times of the year and on any land on which muirburn is to be made.
It is vital that you respond to this ‘call for views’ survey, as this will shape the decision-making of MSPs on the Rural Affairs and Islands Committee, when it comes to scrutinising the Bill at Stages 1 and 2.
The survey closes on 5 May, you’ll find a link to respond at the bottom of this page.
Q1. Do you agree with the proposed ban on the use, possession and purchase of glue traps (sections 1-3)?
Answer: Complete as you wish.
Wildlife traps
Q2. Do you agree there is a need for additional regulation of the use of certain wildlife traps?
Answer: No.
Additional points to include:
Q3. Do you agree with the proposed licensing system for the use of certain wildlife traps (sections 4-5)?
Answer: No.
Additional points to include:
Licensing scheme for land used to shoot red grouse
Q4. Do you agree there is a need for additional regulation of land to be used to shoot red grouse?
Answer: No.
Additional points to include:
Q5. Do you agree with the proposed licensing system for land to be used to shoot red grouse (sections 6-7)?
Answer: No.
Additional points to include:
Additional powers to investigate wildlife crime
Q6. Do you agree with the proposal to give the Scottish SPCA additional powers to investigate wildlife crime (section 8)?
Answer: No.
Additional points to include:
Licensing scheme for muirburn
Q7. Do you agree there is a need for additional regulation for muirburn?
Answer: No.
Additional points to include:
Q8. Do you agree with the proposed licensing system for muirburn (sections 9-19)?
Answer: No.
Additional points to include: