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Hare-sterics: Our letter to The Telegraph
The success of the hare is through supporting proven conservation techniques not obsolete protectionism.
The success of the hare is through supporting proven conservation techniques not obsolete protectionism.
New features added to our Green Shoots Mapping software allow you to boost the conservation credentials of your shoot.
BASC outline the shooting community’s importance in future flood risk policies.
Government exclusion on new burning regulations threaten the future of environmental and climate change studies.
Citizen science will aid understanding of mallard nesting habitat preference in bid to boost numbers.
BASC’s Dr Conor O’Gorman takes a look at his favourite bird species – the enigmatic grey partridge…
BASC’s Gareth Dockerty unravels what the government’s announcement on burning actually means and organisation’s work behind the scenes to ensure evidence-led policy.
Government announcement on heather burning offers promise of licences as consequences of a blanket ban recognised.
BASC calls for assurances that consenting applications for shooting are not impeded by SSSI assessment changes in its response to a Natural England consultation.