- Features
Getting their ducks in a row
As wildfowling comes under increasing pressure from changes in lifestyle and consenting arrangements, the Leicestershire Wildfowlers Association is one of several forward-looking clubs pushing the boundaries.
As wildfowling comes under increasing pressure from changes in lifestyle and consenting arrangements, the Leicestershire Wildfowlers Association is one of several forward-looking clubs pushing the boundaries.
The award-winning radio presenter, and voice of the BASC podcast, Tom Evans sheds a little light on his life, passions and career.
A crucial aspect of BASC’s work to protect the future of sustainable shooting is garnering political support.
Ian Coghill explains the polarisation of opinion between those for and against controlled burning, settling who is right and who is wrong.
As the Glorious Twelfth approaches, David Scott introduces some of the iconic bird species supported by moorland managed for grouse.
BASC will challenge proposals to remove or amend the right to take a sustainable harvest of wild bird species.
We hear from a BASC member who secured a dream wildfowling trip on Lindisfarne after bidding for the prize in BASC’s annual auction.
Classique Feathers’ range has grown to include a vast array of country home decor.
Project Penelope is here again, giving us the opportunity to get cracking with this exciting international conservation scheme.