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Scottish Government considers ban on snares
The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.
The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.
BASC’s shoot visits have been taken up by more than 300 shoots this year, and are on target to hit 400 by the end of 2021.
BASC has issued a reminder of the legal obligations of shoots releasing gamebirds on or within 500m of a European Protected Site in England.
BASC is committed to seeing tougher penalties imposed under the Government’s new Animal Welfare Bill for those found guilty of gamebird worrying.
BASC’s Murray Woodward tells of how he got stuck in to the mallard nesting tubes project and runs us through his journey so far.
BASC’s Will Pocklington highlights the contribution made by the thousands of volunteers across the country who help out on their local shoots.
In the spirit of #InvasiveSpeciesWeek we’ve created an invasive species menu. Check out some new Taste of Game recipes.
Two wild food fanatics go in search of an invasive species Macnab: muntjac, grey squirrel and American signal crayfish.
Read Conor O’Gorman’s blog following the inclusion of plans for new animal welfare legislation in the Queen’s speech in parliament yesterday.