- Offbeat
Grouse prospects 2020
Following the wettest winter for a long time and the driest spring ever the mighty grouse have commendably managed to not only breed but produce some good broods.
Following the wettest winter for a long time and the driest spring ever the mighty grouse have commendably managed to not only breed but produce some good broods.
How sustainable is shooting in the UK? Has the coronavirus pandemic highlighted areas in which changes need to be made? Steve Bloomfield mulls over some questions.
BASC north director, Duncan Thomas, writes about BASC’s return to shooting Covid guidance workshops and the work being undertaken in the north of England.
Leading from the front our scientific evidence fundamentally disputes Wild Justice’s legal challenge.
More than 100 shoots have already taken up the opportunity to receive free expert guidance from BASC staff.
Shooting organisations stand with the government in calling this attack vexatious.
BASC England Director Dan Reynolds explains the new COVID-19 guidance visits available for game shoots.
The Covid-19 guidance visits will help shoots form their own individual risk assessments depending on their situation providing additional confidence for the season.
Former keeper Steve Bloomfield says paying attention to flushing points is a better way to improve pheasant drives than trying to stock smaller, higher-flying breeds.