BASC Central
Say NO to excessive firearms licensing fees
BASC is calling on all shooters in England, Wales and Scotland to object to Home Office proposals for a massive and unjustified hike in firearms licensing fees
BASC is calling on all shooters in England, Wales and Scotland to object to Home Office proposals for a massive and unjustified hike in firearms licensing fees
Briefing document outlines the benefits of grouse shooting ahead of House of Commons debate
BASC has responded to Defra’s consultation on its review of animal establishments licensing in England and has raised concerns about the proposals relating to the licensing of dog breeding.
BASC is calling on all shooters to email the Welsh Government by 7th March in support of the existing voluntary ban on shooting Greenland white-fronted geese.
The delayed statistics on Recorded Crimes and Offences Involving Firearms in Scotland for 2013-14 have now been published
BASC encourages all shooters to take part in a public opinion survey on EU legislation designed to protect nature. Please spare a few minutes of your time to show the citizens of the EU that shooters support nature.
BASC has published a paper entitled “Grouse moor licensing – assessment of proposal and summary of unintended consequences”.
Government proposals to increase the fee for the grant of a shotgun certificate from £50 to £79.50 with proportionate increases in other licensing fees have been welcomed as fair by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). If agreed these will be the first increases in fees for 13 years.
Alan Jarrett, Chairman of BASC, commented on the news that a gamekeeper is seeking judicial review of a decision by Natural England to refuse his application for a licence to control buzzards. Alan Jarrett said: “The Birds Directive and British law provides for protected species to be controlled to protect Read more…