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Scotland airgun licensing update
BASC has updated its guidance on the new Scottish airgun licensing regime in response to information published by the Scottish government.
BASC has updated its guidance on the new Scottish airgun licensing regime in response to information published by the Scottish government.
BASC dismisses latest report by the League Against Cruel Sports as emotive propaganda riddled with errors and unsubstantiated claims.
BASC joined FACE UK to lobby MEPs on behalf of its members and all those who shoot in Britain.
PEOPLE can improve both their shooting and shoot management skills at a course run by BASC and the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT).
THE Wildlife Habitat Charitable Trust (WHCT) has donated 30,000 euros to a conservation project to help wigeon.
THE Northern Ireland Assembly has passed a number of firearms amendments as part of the Justice (No 2) Bill.
BASC has criticised Ann Barnes, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent, for her lack of understanding of the police role in firearms licensing.
WARDENS and volunteers are stepping up their control of mink and grey squirrels in Wales after graduating from two BASC conservation courses.
A CASE-STUDY from BASC’s Green Shoots biodiversity programme has featured in the latest FACE manifesto.