Young Shots
Overcoming fears
Alex is only six years old. Last year, he shot down his first HFT target.
Alex is only six years old. Last year, he shot down his first HFT target.
George is only one year old and already actively participates in shoot days.
Last season, 11-year-old Simon shot two hen pheasants with two shots using his .410 single barrel!
Oliver Simons is only 12 years old but his shooting knowledge is extensive. Read how he has progressed to shooting sporting and Olympic skeet targets, and is aiming to shoot for Team GB.
This is Jack on his first Beaters’ day in Herefordshire. Jack shot three pheasants and two ducks! What an impressive result – well done. Submit your stories for a chance to feature in Shooting and Conservation magazine. Read similar stories here.
Matthew’s first time shooting a 12-bore shotgun grandfather got for him. Unfortunately, his grandad couldn’t join him due to poor health. We’re sure you made your grandad very proud! Submit your stories for a chance to feature in Shooting and Conservation magazine. Read similar stories here.
Kit is a regular clay shooter with his coach Alan and beats on a local shoot. He’s pictured here with the very first duck he shot and his faithful dog Beau who bravely retrieved it having swum over a wide ditch. Submit your stories for a chance to feature in Read more…