Changes that took effect on 2nd May 2017:
- Section 125 (Firearms Act 1968: meaning of “firearm” etc) in so far as it is not already in force;
- Section 127 (possession of articles for conversion of imitation firearms);
- Section 128 (controls on defectively deactivated weapons);
- Section 129 (controls on ammunition which expands on impact); and
- Section 130 (authorised lending and possession of firearms for hunting etc).
Click here for the Home Office Circular on the provisions commencing 2nd May 2017
The following section commenced in law on 3rd April 2017 and will be subject to consultation and drafting with key stakeholders:
- Section 133 (guidance to police officers in respect of firearms) in so far as it is not already in force. (NB: this will allow the Home Office to draft the Statutory Guide)
Click here for a full BASC briefing