Start quiz 1. Curlews A salon of curlews A curfew of curlews A skein of curlews 2. Lapwings A deceit of lapwings A desert of lapwings A cluster of lapwings 3. Woodcocks A fall of woodcock A dole of woodcock A wisp of woodcock 4. Snipes A walk of snipe A wisp of snipe A wedge of snipe 5. Mallards A raft of mallards A sord of mallards A skein of mallards 6. Starlings A gulp of starlings A murmuration of starlings A gaggle of starlings 7. Rooks A rookery of rooks A riot of rooks A parliament of rooks 8. Turtle doves A pitying of turtle doves A charm of turtle doves A parcel of turtle doves 9. Ptarmigans An invisibleness of ptarmigans A circlage of ptarmigans A scold of ptarmigans 10. Avocets An orchestra of avocets A crown of avocets A coil of avocets 11. Pine martens A richness of pine martens A pride of pine martens A posy of pine martens 12. Wild boar A gang of wild boar A sounder of wild boar A bevy of wild boar Collective nouns of animals You got {{userScore}} out of {{maxScore}} correct {{title}} {{image}} {{content}} Share your result via Facebook X (Twitter) Categories: Quizzes