Controlling grey
squirrels is crucial

Alexander Burnett MSP

Alexander Burnett MSP

Alexander Burnett is a Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Aberdeenshire West constituency and is the species champion for the red squirrel in the Scottish Parliament.

As part of Invasive Non-Native Species Awareness Week, BASC Scotland invited Alexander Burnett MSP to discuss the importance of grey squirrel management in protecting the native red squirrel population.

History of the grey squirrel introduction

Since their introduction into mainland Britain in the 1870s, grey squirrels have spread rapidly throughout most of England, Wales, and southeast and central Scotland. These non-native invasive species pose a direct risk to our native red squirrel population.

In the northeast of Scotland, greys were introduced to public parks in Aberdeen during the 1970s. Soon after, they began spreading into rural areas, posing a threat to the native red squirrels in Aberdeenshire, especially in Royal Deeside.

Red, grey and squirrel pox

Red squirrels are classed endangered on The Mammal Society’s Red List for Britain’s Mammals. Grey squirrels are a significant factor in the decline of this population. It is estimated that Scotland has a red squirrel population of approximately 121,000 – that’s 75 per cent of the UK’s entire population.

Greys can carry the deadly squirrel pox virus, and although relatively unaffected themselves, the disease causes considerable suffering and death to reds. Thankfully, in Aberdeenshire, grey squirrels do not carry the pox virus, but it is still imperative numbers are controlled to prevent any chance of future transmission.

Grey squirrel – a real menace

Without effective conservation management, grey squirrels can be a serious threat for red squirrels. But they are also a problem for land managers, foresters, native wildlife and gamekeepers. 

The bark stripping from tree trunks during the months of May and June damages the stands of timber and natural woodland. It is estimated that around £15 million is spent by the forestry sector in mitigating the impact of this damage.

In spring, grey squirrels target bird eggs and young chicks. This can be detrimental to songbird and ground-nesting bird populations. Further to this, greys can damage hoppers, feed bins and water pipes causing costly shoot management problems.

Grey squirrels have limited legal protection and can be controlled all year round by various methods, including shooting and trapping. Under section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), it is thankfully illegal to introduce and release grey squirrels into the wild.

BASC conducts several schemes to help restore the UK red squirrel population. This includes habitat restoration, training and volunteering days, and liaising with forestry organisations on how best to control their grey squirrel issues.

Controlling grey squirrels

At different times of the year, controlling grey squirrels can take different forms. Landowners in certain areas can control them under Forestry Grant Scheme funding. Meanwhile, woodland owners can adjust the management of their woods to benefit red squirrels.

During the winter, with little foliage in woodland areas, shooting is the best way to manage grey squirrels. Shooting greys is legal and can be very effective in reducing their numbers as part of a wider management scheme and dealing with particular issues. 

Hope on the horizon...?

Red squirrels are an iconic native species, and we must do everything we can to protect this recovering yet fragile population. Squirrel pox virus, carried and spread by grey squirrels, has now broken out in the south of Scotland and can kill red squirrels within two weeks of infection.

It is not all doom and gloom, however. According to Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels, 587 red squirrels and only 29 greys have been sighted in the northeast region alone this year.

The fact remains that time is rapidly running out to save our red squirrels. Thanks to the work of BASC members in controlling the grey population, we can see a better chance of survival and a steady recovery of the red squirrel population.

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