Did you know that as a BASC member you can get a daily permit at more than 30 wildfowling clubs across the UK?
Our new 2022/23 wildfowling permit scheme booklet provides all the opportunities that are available and how you can book your day, whether you are a newcomer or an experienced wildfowler.
The scheme collates all the permits and information on offer by BASC-affiliated wildfowling clubs, as well as various countryside organisations and local authorities.
These experiences are mostly guided by existing club members to ensure participants have the best possible introduction to the area.
The guide also includes an informative section on wildfowling and the law, as well as a section on fieldcraft dealing with tide times and quarry identification.
BASC’s head of wildfowling James Green said: “Like many other recreational activities, wildfowling is a great stimulus for one’s mental health and allows us to experience one of our last truly wild habitats at times of the day when most people are tucked up in their beds. We are privileged to experience some truly beautiful sights and sounds, with the bonus that wildfowling can provide us with a sustainable, healthy, and fantastic source of food for the table.
“The permit scheme provides an easy access opportunity that opens the door for many to experience new shooting opportunities at a fantastic price. The scheme demonstrates the commitment and passion wildfowlers have for their sport, and we are entirely thankful for all involved.”
The booklet can be downloaded from the BASC website. Alternatively, contact the BASC Wildfowling department directly for more information by emailing wildfowling@basc.org.uk
If you want to know more about wildfowling read this blog written by Tim Webster, who was the successful bidder on last year’s Lindisfarne auction and got to experience it for the first time.
“Until I settled down in SW England I’d led a fairly itinerant lifestyle, continually moving often nowhere near the coast. This left little opportunity to join a club and thus the BASC Wildfowling Permit Scheme became my go-to, allowing me to continue my passion for wildfowling on a regular if somewhat ad hoc basis.
“Even now after many years with my current club I still dip into the permit scheme each season to see what has been added and if there is anywhere new I could visit. A few seasons ago a friend and I visited Westmoreland Wildfowlers to shoot the Kent Estuary. Though the bag was small it was an unforgettable experience and an opportunity we wouldn’t have had, but for the permit scheme.
“The GWCA has supported this scheme for many years and endeavours to fulfil every request we receive.”
Ian Whitehall, chairman of the Gloucestershire Wildfowling and Conservation Association (GWCA)