The Government’s response to its invasive alien species consultation aligns fully with BASC’s dedicated work to manage species such as the grey squirrel, muntjac and Egyptian goose.

The Government’s aims outlined in their response are to control any current wild population, reduce any further spread and eradicate invasive species where possible.

The response acknowledges a range of appropriate control methods and firmly rejects an attempted campaign to ban lethal control when dealing with invasive species.

Officials recognised a letter writing campaign, noting that many responses were just a single line and unsupported by evidence. Some letters were rejected for being ‘threatening in tone’.

Ian Danby, BASC’s head of biodiversity, said: “BASC is engaged in a wide range of projects that marry together practical conservation measures such as habitat management with control of invasive species. The support for this continuing work from Government is appreciated.

“BASC, like other leaders in this field, train our volunteers to ensure control is ethical and humane. We also engage with partners like the UK Squirrel Accord on developing non-lethal control methods to supplement the options available to land managers to help meet the government’s aims. Continued support from the highest level for the voluntary networks of people controlling and monitoring invasive species is essential for success.”

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