Have your say on Natural England


Natural England has launched an anonymous online stakeholder survey and we want every BASC member that has had engagement with the agency to take part (e.g. individual licences, wildfowling consents etc.). 

When you begin the survey choose “countryside sport, shooting” as your organisation’s sector and for the next section on your role in the organisation write the text “BASC member” in the “other” box. Then, complete the rest of the survey based on your views and experience.  The survey closes on 9th April 2021.

BASC’s view

BASC’s Dr Conor O’Gorman said: “Natural England has caused no end of problems for shooting in recent years and this survey is an opportunity to hold them to account. 

The survey is aimed at organisations and rather than BASC submitting a single response, we want every BASC member who has had dealings with Natural England to take part to demonstrate the strength of feeling and scale and diversity of the problems the agency has caused us all.”

Click here to complete the survey


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