Lobby your PCC on failing firearms licensing service
BASC is encouraging its members and the wider shooting community to contact their Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and raise the issue of poorly performing firearms licensing departments via an online platform on its website.
BASC is calling for firearms licensing reform following the publication of a report that highlighted significant inconsistencies and delays within the service across England and Wales.
The online platform provides an easy way to contact PCCs and raise specific concerns regarding firearms licensing.
BASC’s head of firearms, Martin Parker, said: “Some forces are doing a great job, but where they are not, we are providing people with a practical tool to raise the issue.
“We believe there are PCCs that remain unaware of the significant delays and backlogs within their own forces. They need to be made aware by the people on the ground that the failing service is impacting on individuals and businesses.
“For too long, firearms licensing departments have been left under-resourced. With the delays at record levels and licensing severely impacting new entrants to the sport, now is the time for change.
“By contacting your PCC today, we can raise the issue at a higher level. With the support of PCC’s, reform is possible.”
For more information, click here to visit the platform: https://basc.biz/firearms-licensing-contact-your-police-and-crime-commissioner/