Amy Bratt
Over the past two years Mandy has set up and run The Ladies Clay Shooting League (LCSL).
The events have helped hundreds of ladies to conquer their fears for competitive shooting! There was nothing out there that enabled ladies to shoot competitively unless they went to registered shoots that can still be very male dominated and quite daunting for first-timers.
Working with the CPSA, Mandy and Miles Machin have set up LCSL and it’s gone from strength to strength. It enables ladies to shoot competitively using the same rules and regulations as a regular CPSA registered shoot, but with instruction where needed. They organise a 75-bird shoot every month for eight months of the year.
Mandy manages to organise everyone into squads, sort out bookings, take payments, liaise with the shooting grounds, sponsors etc. alongside her full time role running a business and her beef farm.
Mandy is so organised she is a ‘social shooting secretary’ for us and arranges ladies teams for charity shoots around the country. Classy Clay Breakers are often on tour competing against the men.
Mandy is a pure inspiration to all ladies and is very welcoming to all. Always with a smile on her face and ready to promote ladies shooting and charity events. Thank you Mandy – you’ve done wonders for our confidence and shown us all that we can go out there and compete alongside the men.
Becky Wilkinson
We have a large group of ladies who regularly attend these events, and a lot of friendship groups have also been created from this. The support we have for each other is brilliant and I think it has done wonders for our confidence, so much so many of us are now attending CPSA registered shoots thanks to the LCSL.
On a personal note – I would never have decided to have a go at DTL if it wasn’t for the league. I now shoot regularly at competitive shoots and recently got the opportunity to shoot for my county.
So thanks to all the ladies in the league and to Mandy for coming up with this fantastic idea. It can only grow and increase the number of ladies taking up the clay shooting.