The May/June issue of Shooting and Conservation is set to be landing this week, so we wanted to give you a sneak preview into what you will find inside.
As always, the 92 pages bring together an eclectic mix of content designed to to engage, inform and excite you.
From the latest news and updates in the shooting world to thought-provoking comment, opinion and insightful interviews, there’s something for everyone.
In this latest edition we discuss the plight of the humble rabbit, speak to the founder of a popular social media group that now serves as much more than a platform to swap and give away game and consider the place of ‘trophy hunting’ in the broader context of wildlife management.
We also discuss the the benefits of joining a gundog club and share the evidenced impact of lead ammunition.
So, make sure you pause, take a break and take your S&C magazine with you.
You might even want to create the perfect reading environment, by listening to the Moorland Chorus at the same time.