The League Against Cruel Sports gets it wrong again
An ‘independent’ report by the LACS has been exposed as propaganda that is openly contradicted by a scientific review from Scottish Natural Heritage.
An ‘independent’ report by the LACS has been exposed as propaganda that is openly contradicted by a scientific review from Scottish Natural Heritage.
The Metropolitan Police has set up an advisory panel to improve co-operation and communication between its firearms enquiry team and BASC, and other organisations which represent shooting interests.
Shooting is a major driver for tourism and injects hundreds of millions of pounds into the rural economy every year.
Plans to introduce online applications for firearm and shotgun certificates are being developed by the government and the police.
A former environment minister for the Scottish National Party affirming his support and recognised the importance of the sport to the Scottish economy.
A charity clay shoot, organised by the BASC Somerset social committee, raised almost £2,000 for forces’ charity Help for Heroes and the BASC South West Young Shots Programme.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has been asked by DG Growth and DG Environment to prepare a restriction dossier for metallic lead.
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has released a must-see film of the pink-footed geese and the Wyre-Lune sanctuary on Morecambe Bay.
The news that the European Council has recommended that the European Commission should revise the Firearms Directive makes the reopening of the Directive almost a certainty.