BASC blitzes local papers
BASC has sent a letter to all local newspapers in the UK highlighting the benefits of game shooting and game meat.
BASC has sent a letter to all local newspapers in the UK highlighting the benefits of game shooting and game meat.
Labour’s support for shooting has been affirmed at the rural reception hosted by BASC and the Angling Trust at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton today.
BASC has researched the numbers of gamebirds released each year and found that the most reliable estimate is around 34.9 million birds.
New Home Office figures reflect the growing popularity of shooting sports with an increase in the number of firearm certificates issued in 2014/5 compared with the previous year.
One of BASC’s North West Young Shots Ambassadors has raised thousands of pounds for charity by organising two clay shoots.
Shooting over 6,000 acres of foreshore and an inland marsh has been secured for wildfowling clubs in the past year by BASC’s wildfowling team.
The Liberal Democrats have confirmed support for responsible shooting at the rural reception hosted by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) and the Angling Trust at the party’s conference in Bournemouth today.
Commenting on the announcement by the CLA that it will no longer run the annual Game Fair, Richard Ali, BASC chief executive said:
BASC will be attending the four major party conferences this year.