As an organisation we cover a wide range of topics and deal extensively with the national, regional and local press. We take great pride in our output and if you have a story or potential feature it would be great to hear from you. If you would like to contact our press team then please email

Get involved in BASC water vole surveys

The UK’s largest shooting organisation, BASC, is out to help the water vole.

A series of surveys to gauge the success of a project to help boost water vole numbers in North Wales will be held this summer. Water voles are in serious decline in many parts of Britain. The surveys will provide the benchmark for the future conservation of water voles in North Wales. The surveys have been organised by BASC and will be undertaken across North Wales as part of a three-year project, funded by Natural Resources Wales to tackle invasive non-native species including the American mink. BASC members are being asked to help with the surveys.


Walkers disturb birds more than shooters – study finds

Interim results from a study at Bournemouth University show that walkers disturb waterfowl more regularly than wildfowling.

The ongoing study, commissioned by BASC, is measuring the relative potential impacts of a variety of activities, including dog walking and wildfowling in Poole Harbour. Research into the disturbance of wild birds is important because estuaries, such as the one at Poole Harbour, provide essential habitat for many species of waterbirds, such as godwits, wigeon, teal and avocets.


Game promotion receives welcome funding boost

Scotland’s Natural Larder (SNL) has been awarded a grant worth £11,000 from the Community Food Fund (CFF) to attend a series of farmers’ markets across Scotland. ‘Adding Value to Scottish Game’ is a project aimed at promoting game meat through tastings and demonstrations. This will also forge closer links between local communities and local shoots that provide seasonal game.


Primary school children enjoy a Young Shots Day

Thirty-two children from a top primary school in Eastbourne have enjoyed a Young Shots day put on for them by the South East region of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).

The school, West Rise Junior was recently voted the top primary school in the UK at the prestigious TES 2015 schools awards ceremony in London.


Launch of the 2015 WHT stamp at the CLA

The Wildlife Habitat Trust’s (WHT) 2015 Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp will be launched by Andrew Sells, chairman of Natural England, at this year’s CLA Game Fair.

The stamp features artwork entitled Mallard on Bridgwater Bay by Jackie Garner.


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