As an organisation we cover a wide range of topics and deal extensively with the national, regional and local press. We take great pride in our output and if you have a story or potential feature it would be great to hear from you. If you would like to contact our press team then please email

Gundogs gearing up for Crufts 2015

Gamekeepers, beaters and pickers-up from across the UK are getting ready for one of the main events of the gundog calendar – Crufts 2015. The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), will host the gamekeepers’ classes at Crufts. Gamekeepers, owners of working gundogs, gundog


Candidates announced for BASC Council election

The candidates for this year’s BASC Council election have been announced. Ballot papers will be sent out to all BASC members with the March edition of Shooting & Conservation magazine. Members will be able to cast their vote online from Monday 2nd March. The 12 candidates for the five national


BASC calls on members to prepare funding bids

BASC, the UK’s largest shooting organisation with a membership of more than 140,000, is calling on its members in England to consider applying for EU LEADER funds when calls for projects are made by Local Action Groups. This is expected to be in the summer of 2015. EU LEADER funds


Bookings now open for the Countryside Clay Shoot 2015

Bookings are now being taken for a fundraising clay shoot which promises to be a highlight of the spring. The 2015 Countryside Clay Shoot will be held at the prestigious Six Mile Bottom shooting estate in Cambridgeshire on Saturday 23rd May 2015. The charity shoot will raise money for the


Break a clay for women’s day

Women are being invited to spend International Women’s Day networking and clay shooting at an event run by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). The event will be held at Doveridge Clay Sports Club, Derbyshire, on 6th March. Talks will be given by Victoria Knowles-Lacks, founder of the


BASC members quiz MPs on shooting

More than 130 BASC members quizzed a panel of senior politicians on shooting at a meeting in the Grand Committee Room of the House of Commons. The panel included: Lord de Mauley, the Defra Minister responsible for shooting Angela Smith MP, the Labour shadow Minister responsible for shooting Roger Williams


BASC NI meets new Justice Committee Chairman

The new Chair of the Northern Ireland Committee for Justice met representatives of the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), to discuss issues affecting shooting in Northern Ireland. Alastair Ross MLA met Tommy Mayne, director of BASC NI at Stormont. The discussion covered a


Taste of Game presented to Defra Secretary of State

A brace of pheasants was presented to the Defra Secretary of State, Elizabeth Truss MP, at the Houses of Parliament as the game shooting seasons come to a close this weekend. Presenting the oven-ready birds were Jose Souto, game chef and senior chef lecturer at Westminster Kingsway College, and Annette


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