As an organisation we cover a wide range of topics and deal extensively with the national, regional and local press. We take great pride in our output and if you have a story or potential feature it would be great to hear from you. If you would like to contact our press team then please email

BASC steps in to publish 2014 general licences for Wales

The 2014 general licences for Wales, which give legal authority for the control of pest bird species such as pigeons and crows, have been published by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) after technical problems delayed their publication by Natural Resources Wales.


MPs enjoy a taste of game at Westminster

More than 70 MPs were among 100 guests at a game and wine tasting session held at Westminster. They were served with a selection of game canapés including carpaccio of venison, wild hot-smoked mallard and roulade of potted pheasant with Parma ham. The canapés were prepared under the direction of Jose Souto, chef-lecturer at Westminster College.


BASC discusses shooting at Stormont

Significant issues affecting lawful shooting in Northern Ireland have been discussed with key politicians by the chairman and chief executive of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).


BASC proposes ten-year certificates

Shotgun and firearm certificates should be valid for ten years, rather than the current five, in order to improve enforcement, boost public safety and cut the administrative burden and cost for police forces, according to the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).


Firearms crime at a 10-year low in Scotland

A new report from the Scottish Government has shown that crimes involving firearms are at their lowest level in a decade. Airgun crime is also continuing to fall – down 13% from last year and 75% since 2006-07 raising the question as to whether the Governments proposed licensing scheme is proportionate or necessary.


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