BASC starts search for new Chief Executive
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has launched its search for a new Chief Executive to replace John Swift who retires in June 2013.
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has launched its search for a new Chief Executive to replace John Swift who retires in June 2013.
Does your gundog have the potential to be crowned top dog in the BASC Chudleys scurry league?
The UK?s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), has teamed up with the Environment Agency Wales, the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and Flintshire County Council to protect areas of ancient woodland on land managed for shooting on two farms in North Wales.
The UK?s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), has highlighted its concerns about rural crime and policing during a Stormont meeting.
The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), will run a programme of instructional ‘How to’ pigeon shooting days.
An activity day aimed at introducing young people to country sports will be hosted at the Drumbanagher Estate, Poyntzpass, Northern Ireland, on Saturday 11th February.
BASC and York Guns will co-host an event with leading author and fox shooter Robert Bucknell to showcase the latest equipment for night shooting and night vision.
The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), has expressed sadness at this tragedy and sympathy for the families of the victims but has warned against any kneejerk reaction.
Fancy taking your dog from the shooting field to the show arena? The deadline is approaching for working gundog owners who want to register to enter next year?s Crufts show.